Dog House
Pet Resort
Picture of the week

Always fun game of Tug-a-war
Phoebe, Cecil and Riggs

We offer online boarding
requests and online
"Bill Pay" through our Petexec Portal
Email us if you have not been set up for online portal access
All dogs must pass our evaluation/temperament interview, and have spent at least 1 day in daycare
All dogs must have proof of current vaccinations at least one week prior to their stay with us
All dogs must be on an active Flea and Heartworm Control Program; e.g. Frontline, Advantage, HeartGuard
All dogs must be at least 10 weeks old. Puppies 10-16 weeks must have second set of vaccinations completed and MUST be at least 15-20lbs
All dogs must be NON-AGGRESSIVE towards people and/or other dogs
All dogs must be able to attend daycare with other dogs (our boarding dogs are placed into the daycare group during the day. (We generally ONLY board our daycare dogs, some exceptions may be made, if exceptions are made a $10.00 per day handling fee may be applied)
All dogs must be in good health
All dogs must be spayed/neutered past the age of 8 months (some exceptions may apply).
All dogs must be picked up by 11am or you will be charged a $30.00 daycare fee for that day.
You will be charged a $25.00 Late fee if your dog is dropped off after 2pm on the boarding drop off day
Only dogs that live together are permitted to board in the same suite
Only 3 dogs per suite are permitted
Please supply their food and provide us with instructions
We are capable of administering medications to your dog while he/she is with us. Please provide written instructions. All medications must be labeled with type and dogs name
Boarding is all inclusive including daycare play time
On departure day, if picked up after 11:00am you will be charged $30.
for daycare services.
Our canine accommodations offer all the services you would expect from a five-star resort including maid service, windows in every suite, private access to the outdoors with private play area, soothing music and clean, comfortable climate-controlled Suites and
Open Boarding.
No Cages or Crates
All guests also undergo a daily 5-Point Health Check throughout their stay.

Professional, caregivers make sure your dog has a vacation as great as yours!
Overnight Pricing
Dog Daily Rate $45.00
(each pet, no multi pet discount)
Night Time Snacks Available:
Peanut Butter Kong $3.00
Frozen FrostyPaw Treat $3.00
(Peanut butter & yogurt or fruit & yogurt)
Greenie/Dental Treat $3.00
Specialty Meals $10.00
Now offering "Specialty Meal" for
boarders. Home Cooked Meals
(menu varies per week)
Order yours now!
Select as add on when booking on line, ("Specialty Meal") or send us an email or give us a call to order